FKR: General Incorporated Association Fudosan Keibai Ryutsu Kyokai
Real Estate Auction Circulation Association

Goal and organization

Goal of FKR

The real estate concept changes along with the demand for better living environment and the diversification of value. Interests on the business to assist in acquisitions of foreclosed properties through court auctions are on the rise as is its importance. In the information age, prospective buyers want quick and accurate data.

FKR aims to operate and support systems for dissemination of information and transactions of foreclosed real properties to be auctioned by courts, to conduct researches, and make proposals on public policies and private lifestyles, and to analyze and disclose on the Internet information concerning foreclosed properties to be auctioned. FKR strives to promote the market of foreclosed assets and support those who contribute to building the bright, prosperous living conditions.


FKR is the one-and-only association of real estate companies that handle foreclosed real estate on auction block in Japan. With members throughout the nation, we work to boost the distributions of properties in the auction process.



FKR under the concept below strives to work along with member firms to create blissful living environment through sound development of the market for foreclosed real estate in the court auction process.

  • Improve living conditions in Japan by promoting the market for foreclosed properties
  • Enhance the land value by supporting, in the auctioned property market, individuals and companies who have deep roots in each areas
  • Implement a structure where all parties involved in the market for auctioned properties respect the interests of each other to conduct secure transactions

FKR contributes to the better future through promoting understanding and cooperation among people, companies, organizations, institutions, and government agencies.

Message from the Representative Director


FKR is an association of mostly real estate companies that engages in distributions of foreclosed properties in court auctions. Analyzing and exchanging information about foreclosed properties in court auction processes throughout Japan, FKR works towards robust real estate market and better future in the housing market.

Through court auctions with public bidding, the district courts enforce sales of real estate foreclosed after individuals or companies default on obligations, allocate the proceeds to the creditors, and restore the properties to a normal state. Revisions of the Civil Execution Act such as one in 2001 along with the improved marketing system enabled transactions of foreclosed properties more secure and transparent.

The real estate concept changes along with the demand for better living environment and the diversification of value. Interests on the business to assist in acquisitions of foreclosed properties through court auctions are on the rise as is its importance. In the information age, prospective buyers want quick and accurate data.

FKR aims to operate and support systems for dissemination of information and transactions of foreclosed real properties to be auctioned by courts, to conduct researches, and make proposals on public policies and private lifestyles, and to analyze and disclose on the Internet information concerning foreclosed properties to be auctioned. FKR strives to promote the market of foreclosed assets and support those who contribute to building the bright, prosperous living conditions. I ask for your support in this endeavor.

Kazuhiro Aoyama
, Representative Director



FKR engages in following activities.

  • Analyze and distribute information on foreclosed properties to be auctioned by courts as an operator of a communication system to market foreclosed properties
  • Research, propose public policies to improve legal, tax, financial systems associated with the market of foreclosed properties
  • Serve the members by offering seminars and other opportunities
  • Analyze and disclose information on foreclosed properties on the Internet
  • Coordinate the demand for foreclosed properties and the businesses that support the supply
  • Provide information to businesses



2-10-1 ShibaDaimon
Minato, Tokyo 105-0012
[ Map ]